
NY Comic Con

Brian Cain and I braved nerd fest '08 at the Javits Center in Manhattan for the New York Comic Con. That's a comic, toy and entertainment convention for all you non socially challenged folk out there. Now admittedly, I'm a pretty big nerd myself but my affliction pales in comparison to the massive crowds of Uber Nerds that filled the enormous building.

Embarasingly, I failed to wear a super hero t-shirt, Sailor Moon outfit or even a homemade Ninja suit. And even worse, I actually showered that very morning and I can assure you I was the exception to that rule.

Brian Cain lasted less than a half hour before his synapses began to sizzle with crowd overload and he cursed me for dragging him there and bolted for the door. I on the other hand stayed and braved another hour and a half of dodging basement dwelling momma's boys before I could take no more.

I was able to snap some cool pics of toys like these Ugly Dolls, so it wasn't a total loss but I think I'll restrict my nerd habits to the relative safety of internet surfing.

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