

I thought I'd post this image of the Universal Prop House, to honor all my fellow filmmakers who are out of work today as the writers strike begins.

While I certainly don't disagree that the writers should get their due in any new media markets, it doesn't change the fact that they currently make drastically more than the average film technician. So, while they strike to get their proper recompense, those at the bottom of the barrel also suffer. The grips, drivers, electricians and my fellow set dressers and art department minions will now struggle to keep the bills paid. Let's not forget that while those at the top fight for larger pieces of the pie, others would like to continue to collect the crumbs and feed their families.

Image: The above image always reminds me of the last shot of Indian Jones with the giant warehouse of treasures that fades off into the distance. Universal prop house is just like that, the only difference being that instead of Indiana Jones you get some slightly grumpy Uni prop guys.


Amanda Shinji said...

You should meet a friend of mine in SL, she's in the FX business near New York... I think you already know her actually... Socks!!

D_Roc said...

Bret Hey its Darrin check the blog post in sept!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!